Evidence based data in hand surgery and therapy

XXII. FESSH Congress & XII. EFSHT Congress

21-24 June 2017 | Budapest, Hungary

Thank you for attending EUROHAND 2017!

We have sent a message to all participants taking part at the congress with the information on how to fill in the the Congress Evaluation form and receive Certificate of Attendance!

Browse the congress photo album
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See congress timelaps video
Find your name on We are FESSH photo wall


Dear Friends, Dear Colleagues !

Welcome to EuroHand 2017, welcome to Budapest!

In June 2017 Budapest will not only be the center of Europe but also the Capital of hand surgery and hand therapy. An outstanding scientific program including all topics of hand surgery focusing on the available evidence based data will be an excellent opportunity to refresh your knowledge. Planning a never seen large number of free papers will enhance the possibility to hand surgeons of all generations to present their cases, their results and share their experience. Joint sessions with hand therapists can build an even closer relation between surgeons and therapists. Accommodation and catering facilities of all rates will make participation affordable for everyone.

The many years of experience of the organizers guarantees a successful, unique and memorable event.

Needless to say that beside a high level scientific program the well known Hungarian hospitality, gastronomy and cultural life make your presence a must in the capital of Hungary.

Looking forward to seeing you in Budapest,

Zsolt Szabó
Congress Chair

Scientific Committee
Mariusz Bonczar (Chair)
Zsolt Szabó
Maurizio Calcagni
Marc Garcia Elias
Daniel Herren
Balazs Lenkei
Gürsel Leblebicioglu
Grey Giddins
Massimo Ceruso
János Rupnik

Organising Committee
Zsolt Szabó (Chair)
Max Haerle
Daniel Herren
Brigitte van der Heijden
Balázs Lenkei
János Rupnik
Nándor Mátrai
Krisztina Szigedi

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

On behalf of the European Federation for Societies of Hand Therapy and both the organizing and scientific committees of the Xll EFSHT Congress I am honored to welcome you to Budapest, Hungary.

This triennial FESSH-EFSHT combined congress is organized in collaboration with the European Federation for Societies of Hand Surgery and The Hungarian Society of Hand Surgery. The therapists’ program is divided into two parts – a separate therapists’ program and a combined program with FESSH. The therapists’ program consists of keynote lectures, focus sessions and workshops to provide you with both theoretical knowledge and clinical perspectives in several topics. The main theme of the FESSH-EFSHT combined sessions will be Evidence Based hand surgery and hand therapy, where clinically relevant topics will be viewed and discussed from the current evidence point of view.

You will have the opportunity to choose your preferred topics from the concurrent programs, and with the chance of mixing both lectures and workshops, this will provide an interesting and versatile entity for therapists from different backgrounds and work settings. The extended FESSH-EFSHT combined sessions will provide the participants with interesting scientific lectures and the opportunity to deepen the collaboration and understanding between surgeons and therapists.

In addition to the compact scientific program, the social program will allow you to meet and spend time with colleagues and see beautiful Budapest. Budapest offers you a great location to combine the scientific event to culture, history, sights and urban life.

I offer you a warm welcome to the Eurohand 2017 Congress and look forward to seeing you in Budapest!

Saara Raatikainen
President of EFSHT

Scientific Committee
Saara Raatikainen (Chair)
Ton Schreuders
Ruud Selles
Bernadette Ammann
Turid Aasheim
Paul De Buck

Organising Committee
Paul De Buck (Chair)
Gabriela Versuemer (Co-Chair)
Turid Aasheim
Glykeria Gounaropoulou
Karin de Boer
Hans van den Berg
Nikki Burr
Ali Kitis
Saara Raatikainen


Check Detailed Program Schedule

Instructional Course
The Instructional Course, chaired by Grey Giddins (UK) and Gursel Leblebicioglu (Turkey) is focusing on the availability, importance, usefulness of evidence based data in hand surgery. Covering the most important chapters of hand surgery the organizers will try to help the participants to have an overview of the evidence based data of some of the specific problems of each chapter. General knowledge on medical decision making, the importance of evidence based data and the use of these data in our every day activity will be presented in various ways. Lectures, invited speakers, debates, panel discussions will try to summarize the availability and sometimes the controversial importance of these data. First time in the FESSH congresses history best abstracts will be included in the scientific program like examples of our “every day scientific activity” providing feed back on the way we try to achieve evidence based data and once having them, how we, do we, use them?

The instructional course book will include more than 20 chapters and the best chapters will have the possibility of a live presentation in the plenary hall of the Congress. Some of the most interesting topics will be discussed together with the hand therapists in order to cover the burning questions of the comlex treatment of these topics.

Download the Instructional Course book as a pdf
Social events
Wednesday, 21 June 2017 - 18:00
We will welcome you in Gold Room at Budapest Congress Center. The ceremony will be followed by Welcome Reception in the Exhibition Area at the congress venue.

Friday, 23 June 2017 - 20:00-02:00
The FESSH Party will be held at the Castle Garden.
CME Credits
The Congress received 3+16 CME credit points in its EACCME® for CME accreditation process. For more details click on below picture.
  • Wednesday, 21 June

    On-site Registration

    FESSH Educational Afternoon

    Opening & Welcome Reception
    Exhibition Opening

  • Thursday, 22 June

    Presentations & Exhibition

    FESSH Delegate Assembly

    Presidential dinner (by invitation only)

  • Friday, 23 June

    Presentations & Exhibition

    FESSH Party

  • Saturday, 24 June

    Presentations & Exhibition


Exhibition & Sponsoring

Platinum Sponsor

Silver Sponsors

Avaeksperdid.fi Verhot, Markiisit, Kaihtimet
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Bronze Sponsor


Allard International
Anatomi Metrix
Arthrex GmbH
Astrolabe Medical
Biover AG and S&T AG
Extremity Medical LLC
FzioMed Inc
GE Healthcare SCS
Health Travel Guide
Karl Storz Gmbh & Co KG.
Keri Medical SA
Medi-X Imaging System
Newclip Technics
Onbone Oy
OsteoMed LLC
Patterson Medical
Swemac Innovation

The congress expects to attract more than 1.000 international delegates who are experts and opinion leaders in the field of hand surgery. Delegates cover a wide range of professionals including clinicians, hand surgeons, hand therapists and other hand care professionals.

With more than 1.000 participants expected, the FESSH 2017 Congress is the perfect opportunity for your company to gain broad, international exposure.

The exhibition will be located at the Foyers of Budapest Congress Center close to the sessions, the e-poster area and all catering points.

Early bookings are advised. Orders are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis, with Platinum, Gold and Silver Sponsors taking priority.

A wide variety of products is available: exhibition booths, lunch workshops, satellite symposia, promotional materials, printed items and much more.

Registration information


Early fees
before 15 March 2017
Standard fees
15 March - 5 May 2017
Late & Onsite fees
after 5 May 2017
FESSH Members* 450 € 550 € 650 €
Non FESSH Members 500 € 600 € 670 €
EFSHT Members/Therapists** 280 € 320 € 360 €
Residents / Fellows** 200 € 250 € 300 €
Exhibitor's extra staff*** 200 € 200 € 250 €

* Participants from FESSH member countries are entitled for FESSH Member registration fee.

** A supporting document should be sent to our Congress Secretariat to confirm that you are eligible for this discounted rate:

*** Extra badges for exhibitors’ staff during the congress, available only for exhibiting companies. This fee excludes doctors and the congress documentation. The fee does not entitle to visit scientific sessions. Can not be used as an exhibition only pass.

**** Location of the FESSH Party is Castle Garden Bazaar. Address: Ybl Miklós tér 2-6., H-1013 Budapest, Hungary

The congress fee includes: attendance to all scientific sessions & exhibition, program book, opening ceremony, welcome reception, lunch on Thursday and Friday, coffee breaks and VAT.

Please note: At least one author of each accepted abstract has to pay the registration fee no later than 15 March 2017.


Registration fee and FESSH Party must be paid to ASSZISZTENCIA Kft. in advance

Bank transfer

Send one bank draft per registration or per group of registrations. Make the bank draft

Bank:K&H Bank ZRt.
Bank address:Lechner Ödön fasor 9., H-1095 Budapest, Hungary
IBAN:HU18 1040 1000 5051 5048 5750 1013
Reference:add your name + "FESSH2017"
Banking costs:kindly instruct your bank that all charges are at your expenses

Bank cards

Ordered services may also be paid by VISA, Eurocard and Mastercard online.
American Express cards can not be used for online payment, you can use AMEX card Authorization Form to make traditional mail order payment.


Taxable invoice will be issued on all incoming payments. Invoices will be prepared for the customer name indicated on the registration form. Please note that the Congress Secretariat will not modify the customer name on issued invoices so please take care of the right billing address when you fill in the registration form.

Catering costs

Registration fees include catering (welcome reception and coffee breaks). In line with the Hungarian tax regulations the prices of these catering services should be displayed on the invice separately. Therefore the registration fees will be displayed on invoices in two separate rows: registration fees and catering costs included on the registration fee.

Supplier information for purchase order

Your organization may need to register ASSZISZTENCIA Kft. as a supplier to receive invoices and make payment. Please use below official company details for this process.

Company name:Asszisztencia Kft.
Address:Szent Istvan krt. 7., H-1055 Budapest, Hungary
VAT number:HU10724318
Bank:K&H Bank ZRt.
Bank address:Lechner Ödön fasor 9., H-1095 Budapest, Hungary
IBAN:HU18 1040 1000 5051 5048 5750 1013


All cancellations should be sent in written form to ASSZISZTENCIA Kft.

Cancellation of registration and FESSH Party: If cancellation arrives before 20 May 2017 - 80% refund will be made.
No refund is available after this date, though substitution in person will be accepted.

No show up cases

The organizers take efforts to run a successfull conference. Based on the list of registrants and order status conference services will be provided in sufficient numbers. Please consider that after deadlines some conference materials and meals or hotel rooms cannot be cancelled or resold and therefore no refund is available. However substitution in person is always accepted.



+36 1 350 1854

Registration questions

Abstract and scientific program


General information

Szent István krt. 7., H-1055 Budapest, Hungary